Éducation aux médias pour tous : les citoyens numériques critiquent et combattent les "fake new
Le projet MediAware vise à encourager les compétences qui favorisent la citoyenneté active en détectant et en combattant la désinformation et les fausses nouvelles par le biais de méthodes responsabilisantes et dialogiques. Nous reconnaissons que la désinformation existe depuis la nuit des temps, mais l'ère numérique et les médias sociaux ont fondamentalement changé la façon dont nous recevons, partageons et absorbons l'information. L'objectif du projet est de doter les éducateurs des compétences nécessaires pour permettre aux adultes et aux jeunes, dans le cadre de formations formelles et non formelles, de reconnaître la manière dont l'information est produite, d'évaluer le contenu de manière critique et de prendre des décisions éclairées en tant qu'utilisateurs et producteurs d'informations et de contenus médiatiques.
The MediAware Handbook: "Media, Citizenship, and Democracy" addresses the critical issue of misinformation, fake news, and active citizenship. This pedagogical handbook includes theoretical and basic concepts, training methods, tips, and exploitation guidelines to equip educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to empower their students to critically evaluate information and make informed decisions as users and producers of media content. The handbook serves as an essential tool for promoting active citizenship, addressing the challenges of the digital age and social media, and providing practical strategies to tackle the spread of fake news and misinformation. By using this guide, educators can create a safe and informed learning environment that promotes democratic values and empowers students to become responsible and engaged citizens.
The MediAware Training Kit is supported by a "Fact Checking, The Actions You Can Use," Toolbox to equip susceptible young people and adults with the skills to carry out their own fact-checking and apply what they have learned in theory. The training kit includes practical exercises and hands-on training methods, providing learners with the knowledge and techniques needed to critically evaluate media content, recognize misinformation, and fake news, and take action against it. Through the use of the toolbox, learners can engage in fact-checking activities, and put into practice the critical thinking skills they have acquired. The training kit is an essential tool for promoting media literacy and active citizenship, empowering individuals to become responsible and engaged members of society and contributing to the fight against misinformation and fake news.
The MediAware Educational Digital Hub is accessible to all and focuses on two thematic objectives: to enhance educators' understanding of misinformation and fake news mechanisms and to provide trainees with a set of resources to act against misinformation and fake news. The platform aims to raise awareness and develop knowledge on different elements related to misinformation, fake news, and active citizenship. Through interactive and engaging learning modules, the platform provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges of the digital age, equipping educators and trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the media landscape.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project No: 2021-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-